Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Legend of Rata

This week we had a lot of fun acting out the legend of Rata and his Waka. This was part of our Te Reo learning and the legend also links to our inquiry topic around sustainability this term. We had some students from Room 14 with us who joined in the fun.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Calendar Art

We have worked very hard over the last two days to complete our calendar art. If you would like to view your child's work they will be on display in the window of Room 19 for the rest of the week from tomorrow. I will send the order forms home tomorrow.

Monday, June 25, 2018


What a great day we had, beginning with the breakfast this morning. Here we are before morning tea with our biscuits with the 7 stars of Matariki on them. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Room 19 Radio Stars!

On Friday we had Kath from the Breeze radio station visit our class and ask the children questions. Be listening on Monday morning between 8 - 8.20 to hear our radio stars! 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Kelso's Wheel

This week we have been learning about how to manage small issues ourselves by using Kelso the frogs wheel. We have all made our own Kelso with the 10 choices inside which are:  Talk it out, go to another game, wait and cool off, make a deal, apologise, tell them to stop, walk away, ignore it, share and take turns.
We have enjoyed learning the song about Kelso's choices from YouTube and the children also created role plays to show how they could use the choices.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tapa cloth and fractions

This week we learnt about how tapa cloth is made. We had a go at making our own tapa cloth (using paper, not bark). We then used what we have learnt about fractions this term to create fraction statements about our tapa cloth.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Room 19 Teamwork!

This week we did an activity in teams where we had to build the tallest tower in 5 minutes. The class then brainstormed ideas on what they did well when working in a team and how this leads to better outcomes which makes everyone feel good.

We also talked about what happens when we don't work together (no tower built at the end of 5 minutes) and how this makes us feel (bad). After coming up with our class guidelines on how to work well with others in a group they all had another go at making their towers. It was amazing to see the increase in talking and listening in the groups and how they showed teamwork the second time around which lead to taller towers being built. We are going to take this learning into our Maths group work which we are starting next week.